Abu Zubair meriwayatkan dari Jabir bin Abdullah bahwa Nabi Muhammad SAW bersabda:

"Setiap penyakit ada obatnya. Jika obat yang tepat diberikan dengan izin Allah, penyakit itu akan sembuh".

(HR. Muslim, Ahmad dan Hakim).

Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009


093.001 By the Glorious Morning Light,

093.002 And by the Night when it is still,-

093.003 Thy Guardian-Lord hath not forsaken thee, nor is He displeased.

093.004 And verily the Hereafter will be better for thee than the present.

093.005 And soon will thy Guardian-Lord give thee (that wherewith) thou shalt be well-pleased.

093.006 Did He not find thee an orphan and give thee shelter (and care)?

093.007 And He found thee wandering, and He gave thee guidance.

093.008 And He found thee in need, and made thee independent.

093.009 Therefore, treat not the orphan with harshness,

093.010 Nor repulse the petitioner (unheard);

093.011 But the bounty of the Lord - rehearse and proclaim!

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